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Thursday, May 27, 2010


Review of Carrier Split Air Conditioner

If you are considering buying a split air conditioner to beat this summer’s heat, how about a carrier split air conditioner?
This kind of air-conditioner is ideal for people who wish to have only one air conditioner unit, but want to enjoy the cool air provided by an air conditioner in more than one room in their home or office.
The main feature of a spit air conditioner is that it has two units, one which is the evaporative unit that is placed on the outside and the other is the condensing unit which is placed in the interior of the home, and there is tube connecting both of them for functioning.

Features to check out before buying

The main features that you need to check out when choosing a split air conditioner is its energy efficiency, level of cooling for the space where you place it, its ability to increase or decrease coolness according to temperature and its ability to cut out moisture, pollutant from getting inside the room. You can find such qualities in a carrier split air conditioner.
One premier manufacturer of split air conditioner models is Carrier. Carrier has built a name in air conditioner over the years and their products are defined by quality, durability and energy efficiency.
You can see quite a range of split air conditioner models from this manufacturer and over the years with advancement in technology, Carrier brings you the best there is in air conditioning to your homes and offices.

Air conditioner models

carrier air conditioner
Looking into some specific carrier air conditioner models, let’s take a look at the Carrier 52ME-U09-3. This spilt air conditioner model from carrier has a 9,000 BTU Cooling Capacity. It also includes fan and heater feature. This is a performance series model, which means you will get the benefits of high energy efficiency, durability and clean moisture removal if you use such air conditioners in your home. It is also really quiet when it is running, so noise factor is not an issue.

If you look into the 1.5 TON Carrier Split System A/C Condenser 208-230, this one is just right for small-sized room, but it also comes with a 10 SEER Rating.  This is an Infinity model, which means it has high score on points of durability, coolness and moisture removal.
Another higher model from this series is the 4 TON 10 SEER Carrier Split System A/C Condenser 208-230/1. This is as the name suggest a 4 ton split air conditioner, with a 10 SEER Rating, you can be sure that it’s a pretty efficient mode.  SEER is the rating given to determine the efficiency of a split air conditioner and the high the rating the better the air conditioner’s performance.
The main feature that sets carrier air conditioners apart from other is the fact that they use superior cooling technology. This means you see the expected cooling levels in your residential or office rooms. Carrier split air conditioners are widely used in not just private residential home, but also in commercial offices, by the hospitality industry and also healthcare.
Today carrier’s air conditioner come with advanced features such as self correcting diagnostics, which means problem are detected by the system and corrective action taken automatically, leaving you the freedom to enjoy fresh, cool air whenever you desire.

 You will find carrier air conditioner system to take up minimal energy and their working to be very quiet. Carrier offers a variety of split air conditioners, each having distinct features and in a range of prices. The best way to get the kind of carrier split air conditioner that you need is to look into as many different air conditioner models as possible and choose one that is most suitable for your requirements.

Bagaimana membersihkan AC Split unit

Ketika menggunakan suatu alat pendingin, adalah sangat penting untuk membersihkannya dari waktu ke waktu. Pembersihan suatu alat pendingin tidak luput daripada debu dan kotoran yang terkumpulkan dan meningkatkan terus di unit.

Dari pengertian yang aesthetic, pembersihan juga membuat udara bersih yang spick. Ketika membersihkan suatu alat pendingin, perkakas yang penting yang diperlukan adalah talang, penghisap debu, sikat tangan, sebuah kaleng oli, kain lap, deterjen atau pembersihkan bahan-kimia dan obeng dan tang.

Karena unit alat pendingin berbentuk jendela, langkah yang pertama adalah memindahkan saringannya. Setelah pemindahannya, air harus menetes pada tempatnya dan menggunakan suatu kain lap, deterjen harus digunakan pada saringan. Setelah saringan menjadi bersabun, bilaslah dengan sepenuhnya memasukkannya ke bak/wadah air panas dan dibiarkan untuk sekitar 15 menit. Setelah 15 menit, haruslah dibilas dengan panas dan air dingin dan menggantungkan/meletakkan  hingga kering.

Setelah itu, bagian kisi-kisi harus dipindahkan dari bagian  utama. Proses pengaturan suhu modern Unit mempunyai palang pintu dan dengan hanya memindahkan palang pintu, kisi-kisi dapat diambil ke luar. Setelah cover dipindahkan, tutup yang metal harus diambil ke luar dengan melepas sekrupnya. Sekrup dapat diletakkan di suatu wadah. Kemudian oli fan harus diambil ke luar untuk melihat lubang oli menggunakan obeng. 3 atau 4 tetesan minyak harus diberikan pada lubang oli. Kemudian kotoran dan debu harus dipindahkan dari sirip menggunakan sikat.

Setelah kotoran hilang, permukaan harus disemprot dengan jetpump. Setelah 15 beberapa menit, air panas harus dituangkan pelan-pelan untuk memindahkan semua kotoran. Ketelitian sangat diperlukan agar air tidak terpancar ke kabel atau elektrik dan kawat dan coil. Jika ada sirip yang bengkok perlu segera diluruskan.

Pada proses ini tekanan harus tepat dan sesuai. Karena proses membersihkan dengan air sangat diperlukan. Ketika jetpump berisi tekanan tinggi maka sirip harus ditangani dengan ketelitian ekstrim.

Kemudian suatu kain lap harus digunakan untuk sekaan mata pisau fan. Langkah yang terakhir adalah ke ruang hampa keseluruhan unit yang mencakup bagian bawah tutup yang metal. Kelebihan air harus dialirkan ke luar dan pengatur suhu harus ditempatkan kembali dengan benar dan dalam keadaan kering.

 Karena alat pendingin tanpa saluran pipa dan dipisah, pembersihan adalah yang sangat gampang. Langkah yang pertama adalah untuk membuka bagiannya. Haruslah dibersihkan dan mengeringkan. Kemudian saringan perlu untuk diambil ke luar dan yang dibersihkan dengan cara yang sama seperti diuraikan di awal. Setelah ini yang diperlukan adalah suatu tas plastik besar untuk melangkah maju lebih lanjut.

Plastik harus ditempatkan di bawah unit sedemikian sehingga terpasang dengan unit. Dengan satu tangan yang memegang sisi kantong, sedemikian sehingga dapat menangkap apapun kotoran dan debu yang segera keluar dari unit, orang yang membersihkan juga harus membersihkan bagian evaporator dan baling-balingnya. Ini harus dilaksanakan sangat secara hati-hati sedemikian sehingga keseluruhan permukaan coil dan baling-baling.

 Nozzle jetpump harus dekat dengan coil dan baling-baling sebisa mungkin. Proses ini dilaksanakan sekitar 10 menit, penyemprot harus diisi dengan air panas dan putaran penyemprotan lain harus dilaksanakan untuk mencuci bersih-bersih kotoran dan debu.

Selagi proses ini, kantong harus dipegang secara hati-hati sedemikian sehingga semua kotoran dan debu dapat dibersihkan dari unit, seperti bahan-kimia dan air harus jatuh masuk ke plastik . Air harus bertekanan agar air kotor mengalir keluar. Kemudian unit harus dibersihkan hingga kering sebelum digunakan kembali. Jetpump juga harus dibuka, dibersihkan dengan bahan-kimia dan vacuumed. Kepedulian harus dikira coil pemadat sebab yang dikandungnya  tekanan tinggi memasang gas. Setelah proses ini, unit akan  lebih dingin dan lebih baik.


Review of LG Split Air Conditioner

LG offers many premier split air conditioner models which are just apt for cooling, during hot summers. These air conditioner offer great cooling and are easy to install.  They offer versatile usage and they can be used in many places such as private residences, hotel, hospitals, commercial complexes and much more.
If you have been looking for a split air conditioner system that gives you considerable cooling, the LG split ac models are the ones that you need to check out.
There are many advantages in using a split air conditioner. It’s the best thing to install, when you are in need of space. They work more quietly and are also more energy efficient since they do not need the use of any ducts. You would have to have a small hole drilled into the wall for installation purposes. Split air conditioners come with cooling power enough to give you the kind of cooling your require.
You can find all such advantages in using an LG Split air conditioner and much more. Lets’ take a look at a couple of LG split air conditioner models.

Visit the LG Site

LG LMU240HE air conditioner
One interesting LG spit air conditioner model is the LG LMU240HE. It has a 2 x 12,000 BTU and a 13 SEER Rating which means you get considerable high cooling from this model and energy consumption is also efficient. SEER is the rating given to denote energy efficiency of a split air conditioners and the higher the rating the better the air conditioner’s performance. In terms of noise, this is a system that does not produce much noise while running. Their computer controlled vanes allow for more natural flow of air and it can be operated via remote control.
lg mini split air conditioner
Another good LG Split air conditioner model is the LG 11,500 BTU Ductless Single Zone Mini-Split Air Conditioner. This one has an 11,500 BTU and it does not requite ducts for functioning. It is easy-to-install, energy efficient, and a very affordable one. Noise is minimal while the Chaos Swing function allows for plenty of air movement in the room. You will find it to provide a high level of cooling and the amount of energy consumed is also just right.
LG RTLMU240CE air conditioner
If you look at the LG RTLMU240CE, this LG split air conditioner model has an 18,000 BTU. This is a very compact model, that works quietly and where energy consumption is just right. It includes a triple filter air system, by which air coming inside to the room is made really clean, and this air is circulated around well through the area through the Chaos Swing feature.
LG LMU240HE 18,000 BTU air conditioner
Yet another model is the LG LMU240HE. It has 18,000 BTU and includes features such as Chaos Swing, Ultra-Quiet Streamlined Air Fan, Triple-filter air purifying system and Dehumidifying Mode because of which you can get the best results in terms of clean air and cooling when you use it.
The main aspect about LG split air conditioners is their energy efficiency, clean air purification system and the high degree of cool air that they provide. You will find LG split air conditioner to be highly efficient and also offering a rage of prices.
LG split air conditioner models come in a variety of price ranges, starting from low to high and the increase in price is based on the cooling power that the model can provide.
They are quite versatile in usage and you can use them in many different types of residential homes, building, and offices and so on. The best way to get the kind of model you want is to compare features and prices between different LG split air conditioner model, so that you can choose something that is suitable to your requirements in terms of energy efficiency, level of cooling required and pricing.

Installing and Disassembling a Split Air Conditioner

Installing and Disassembling a Split Air Conditioner

Although split air conditioners are easier to install than window air conditioners, one should consult an expert before doing anything. It looks all so easy to install and disassemble a split air conditioner but the best option is to let an expert do it or even if someone wants to do it themselves, then do it in front of an expert. To install the split air conditioner, the first job is to install the condenser unit. The condenser unit stays in the open, out of the house. Since outside air circulates through the condenser unit, there should be ample space around the unit. There should be at least 12 inches of space between the condenser unit and the wall of the house. 12 inches should also be kept free on both sides of the condenser.
After the proper space is selected, the pad should be laid on the ground, a check should be done to see that the pad is on even ground and then the condenser unit should be put on top of the pad.

The next step is to drill a hole in the wall through which the refrigerator coil will go inside the house. The room in which the air conditioning unit will be placed needs to be located and the wall opened up in that room. The refrigerator coil now needs to be connected to the condenser and run through the wall into the room. After this is done, the PVC line needs to be assembled and run into the room. The PVC line helps in condensation.
refrigerator coil The final coil work is to connect the electrical cable and a low voltage wire to the condenser. The other end of the electrical cable and a low voltage wire is then run into the room. The wiring is complete at this point.
Now, the metal mounting bracket is screwed into the wall. While screwing the bracket, the users’ manual should be referred to and the bracket should be put up at the height that is recommended by the manufacturer.
Now the air conditioner unit needs to be fixed to the bracket. The last step is to make the final electrical and other wire connections. After this is done, the installation is complete and the split air conditioner is ready to work.

Opening or disassembling a split air conditioning unit by the user is not recommended at all. It is a simple process but an expert should be allowed to do the job or even if the user does it on his or her own, it should be done in the presence of an expert.
In any case, opening or disassembling a split air conditioner is a simple process. Before anything else, one should check that the electric supply is off and then take off the electric supply wires. At this point, it is advisable that one earths himself or herself.
The first work should be done on the indoor unit. The cover is first taken off. The modern split air conditioners have latches that attach the cover to the bracket. So, it’s a simple task of unlatching and taking off the cover. After the cover is off, all the open end of the wires should capped.
Extreme care should be taken not to break the refrigerator coils because gas runs through them and leaking may cause an explosion. After this is done, one needs to go outside and gently pull out all the refrigerator coils and the PVC line.
Once this is done, they need to be disconnected from the condenser unit. The condenser unit is then unscrewed and taken off the supporting pad. One should go inside now and take off the metal bracket using screwdrivers. This completes the opening and disassembling process.

Split Air Conditioner Systems

Split air conditioners have a split design with an external or out door unit that houses the compressor and one or more internal units that are served by the compressor and house the air handlers. Their design makes them similar to central air conditioning units however the fact that they use smaller air ducts makes them less expensive and easier to install. In a split air conditioner the refrigerant is pumped to the cooling coil in the air handlers through the ducting. The conduit which just needs a three inch hole drilled in the wall connects the inner and the outer unit. It houses the refrigerant and suction tubing, the condensate drain and the power cable.


Split system air conditioners have many advantages over the traditional central air conditioning systems. The primary benefit is ability for zoning so that you can cool or heat individual rooms, thereby saving energy. They are also considerable smaller than central air conditioners.
The internal units of split system air conditioners are designed to suit the decor of your home. The installation is fairly simple and one out door unit can serve up to four indoor units. Since the connecting conduit has to be bought separately and is available in different lengths you can place the internal and external units almost 50 feet apart.
There is also a lot of flexibility in terms of the indoor units. You can choose the traditional wall mounted design or go for the ceiling mounted model. The indoor units can also be suspended from the ceiling or you can opt for the newer floor standing models. Almost all manufacturers offer remote controlled units so it’s easier to switch them on or off.
The refrigerant used in most spilt system air conditioners in environment friendly Freon. Most manufacturers will include refrigerant specifications in the user manual.

While choosing a split air conditioner the first thing to look for is the cooling capacity.
Units are available from 12000 BTU and even though they are cheaper than central air conditioners they are certainly more expensive than the window air conditioners. Prices for a 1 ton unit can range from $1100 to $2300.
This does not include the installation charges. You will need the services of an HVAC professional to install a split air conditioner. He will set up the lines for drainage, electricity and coolant and put in the right amount of coolant. The tubing needed may have to be purchased separately.
Usually a single indoor unit is enough to cool one zone or room but this depends on the insulation, the amount of sunlight received in the room, other electrical appliances being operated in the room and the number of people. If your BTU requirement is more you can even opt for two indoor units for one room. Since the compressor is in the external unit, split air conditioners are remarkably quiet.
Depending on the BTU requirement and the number of rooms you will also have to make a choice between dual zone and triple zone versions. A dual zone model has two air handlers while a triple zone unit has three air handlers.
Many newer models also have heating options in the split air conditioning units. The heating is achieved through the use of electric heat strips or heat pumps.
The other things to consider would be the voltage requirements. The 5 star rating acts like a seal of approval from the US department of energy and is given to products that are very energy efficient without compromising on the performance or features. So look for the 5 star logo on the product.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Through all the 50 years of brilliant development, Panasonic Air Conditioner has grown into a world-famous air conditioner brand with extensive popularity and great reputation. Today, Panasonic Air Conditioner has three massive manufacturing bases: The Headquarter of Air Conditioner Division in Kusatsu, Japan, Panasonic HA Air-conditioning (M)Sdn Bhd and Panasonic Home Appliances Air-Conditioning(Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. (PHAAG)
Since formally established in June 1993,as one of three global strategic air conditioner production bases, PHAAG had kept “Contributing to society through business development” as its management theory, and firmly rooted at the Chinese people and country. Relying on its rich experiences of technology development & manufacturing accumulated in the past 50 years. Panasonic Air Conditioner has consistently expanded its business domains according to the ever-changing individualized demands of consumers.
In view of future,relying on Panasonic’s well-admired technology and quality, and its strong growing of competitiveness and adaptability ini the world, PHAAG will definitely manufacture high quality and value-added products & services that will provide new, comfortable living space of 21 century for the customers.

Company profile:

Time of Establish: June 7,1993
Registered Capital:US$41.9million
Investment Ratio:Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.,Ltd. At 68%, Wanbao Electric at 32%
Number of Staffs: about 5,700(80%of them are under age 30)
Production Capacity: 2.6 million sets per year(2006)
Production commence: January 1995
Factory Area: 252,000 square meters

Window Air Conditioner

Split System

Portable air conditioner
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